Her work has been exhibited at LACMA (2024); Brooklyn Museum (2024); Fondation Zinsou (2024); Collezione Maramotti (2024); MAXXI (2022); Dak’Art Biennale (2022) Autograph ABP (2021) The National Portrait Gallery, (2020) and Jerwood Arts (2020). She has held residencies at Carraig-na-gCat Josef & Anni Albers Foundation (2023), Hangar Centro de Investigaçāo Artística (2023), and Thread Josef & Anni Albers Foundation (2019).
Publications include Disintegrata (Cimorelli Ed., Collezione Maramotti) and Eyes That Commit by Renée Mussai (Prestel Ed.)
Rosi’s work is included in the collections of:
Autograph ABP, London
Brooklyn Museum, New York
LACMA, Los Angeles
MoMA, New York